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  • {"google":["Questrial"],"custom":["Noto Sans KR","Jeju Gothic"]}
    섹션 설정
  • 회사소개
  • 제품소개
  • 응용분야
  • 고객문의
  • Together with your challenge

    고객과 함께하는 동호무역이 되겠습니다.


    home >  CERAMIC




     Purity : 99.9999 % - 99.99999 %
     Packing : 1.5 kg / bottle



     Purity : 99.9999 % - 99.99999 %
     Packing : 1.5 kg / bottle



     Purity : 99.9999 % - 99.99999 %
     Packing : 1.5 kg / bottle



     Purity : 99.9999 % - 99.99999 %
     Packing : 1.5 kg / bottle



     Purity : 99.9999 % - 99.99999 %
     Packing : 1.5 kg / bottle



     Purity : 99.9999 % - 99.99999 %
     Packing : 1.5 kg / bottle



     Purity : 99.9999 % - 99.99999 %
     Packing : 1.5 kg / bottle


      ZrO2 : ≥ 94 %

     Y2O3 : ≥ 5 %

     Density : ≥ 6

     Microhardness : 1200 ~ 1300 HV

     Roundness : ≥ 95 %


    to of
    Page of

    Narrow size distribution / Smooth surface / 상기 외 다양한 size 가능


        1. Dielectric materials, piezoelectric materials, capacitor
        2. Chemical materials, paint, pigment, printing ink, dye
        3. Advanced ceramic materials, frits and glazes
        4. Agrochemicals, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals

      ZrO2 + CeO2 : ≥ 94 %

     Density : ≥ 6

     Microhardness : 1200HV

     Roundness : ≥ 95 %


    to of
    Page of

    Narrow size distribution / Smooth surface / 상기 외 다양한 size 가능


        1. 점성이 있는 제품의 공정에 적합 ( Paint, Ink 등 )
        2. 고속 / 미분쇄 공정

      ZrO2 + CeO2 : ≥ 94 %

     Density : ≥ 6

     Microhardness : 1200HV

     Roundness : ≥ 95 %


    to of
    Page of

    Narrow size distribution / Smooth surface / 상기 외 다양한 size 가능


        1. Paints, inks and coatings
        2. Metal finishing and polishing




     Density : ≥ 6

     Hardness : ≥ 95 %



    to of
    Page of

    상기 외 다양한 size 가능



     D2 + CeO2 : ≥ 94 %

     Density : ≥ 6

     Hardness : ≥ 95 %



    to of
    Page of

    상기 외 다양한 size 가능


    {"google":["Questrial","Lexend Deca","Didact Gothic","agGridMaterial"],"custom":["Noto Sans KR","Jeju Gothic","Nanum Gothic"]}{"google":["Questrial","Raleway","Alegreya","Mada"],"custom":["Noto Sans KR","Jeju Gothic","Godo"]}
    {"google":[],"custom":["Noto Sans KR"]}